Notícias do mundo #2
Biosafety, more important than ever
Nouvelles du monde #1
Vergonha alheia #5. Covid-19, a verdade sempre aparece
Curiosidade Premiada edição 2023
AI.AI.AI.AI: A corrida já está em velocidade máxima
Mensagem de Páscoa
Mais Chats sobre o ChatGPT: leituras para pensar e repensar
The problem of ancestry
Elife: a matter of life or death?
Mais Chats sobre o ChatGPT: leituras interessantes para você
Você sabia?
The talk of town: ChatGPT - translated by ChatGPT from the Portuguese text and curated by me :)
Você sabia - CNPq
An exemplary case: Was it misconduct?
Racism: We must talk more about this!
Fact or fake? On its importance for the advancement of science and for communication to society.
Revisiting: reproducibility in Science is still a thing!
Scientific integrity rocks!
Watch out when choosing the journal to publish your precious work!