Zain Kahn: Siga Superhuman no linkedin ou no twitter. O último blog: 1000+AI tools released in March, e matérias de dicas e de como usar de forma inteligente todas essas novas ferramentas
Washington Post: How we might stop the flood of data-driven misinformation (sobre o livro Distrust: Big Data, Data-Torturing, and the Assault on Science , <14 USD no Kindle, escrito por Gary Smith).
Fernando Gabeira: O casaco branco do papa e o exemplo da Finlândia contra fake news
Amazon wants to boost ten generative AI startups around the globe.
Tech News Summary by Concise AI - Daily tech news summary, powered by AI
Hong Yang: How I use ChatGPT responsibly in my teaching
Luke Larsen: What is Auto-GPT? Here’s how autonomous AI agents are taking over the internet
Explore the World of Artificial Intelligence (plataforma única com vários aplicativos de interesse)
Karin Wulf: Textpocalypse: A Literary Scholar Eyes the “Grey Goo” of AI.