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Palestra USP - Como os institutos de pesquisa podem capacitar pesquisadores para promover a integridade da pesquisa?

Anna Goldberg

USP Lecture - How can research institutes empower researchers to foster research integrity?Lex Bouter (Amsterdam University Medical Centers / Vrije Universiteit)Professor Emeritus Lex Bouter, a Methodology and Research Integrity expert, will discuss the current issues threatening the quality of the scholarly knowledge: research waste, lack of reproducibility, questionable research practices, research misconduct and fake papers. He will offer insights on how researchers and institutions can repair matters by adopting Open Science practices with a view to improve the quality of research, inspiring a culture of integrity and accountability within the scientific community.

Data: 10/12/2024 (terça-feira) - 10h Local: Auditório Prof. Dr. Myaki Issao - Faculdade de Odontologia (Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2227)Transmissão: Canal da PRPI no YouTubeData: 10/12/2024 (sexta-feira) - 10h Local: Auditório Prof. Dr. Myaki Issao - Faculdade de Odontologia (Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2227)Transmissão: Canal da PRPI no YouTube

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