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Programa para as férias de dezembro de 2021

Anna Goldberg

Não são as dicas do Netflix não, mas um convite para atualização em temas que foram fronteira no noticiário científico de 2021. Para isso, transcrevo integralmente email recebido da Science News Now, domqual sou assinante da lista, informando que os links ainda estão ativos. Apresentações maravilhosas pelas melhores cabeças científicas da atualidade, notadamente femininas como Akiko Iwasaki, Huda Akil, Erin Garcia de Jesús, Tina Hesman Saey, Andrea Ghez. Recomendo!

Thank you again for joining us for Science News Now - the free virtual event celebrating 100 years of Science News If you missed or would like to share a session, the links listed below are still active. We encourage you to share with friends and colleagues.

Science of the Pandemic: What We’ve Learned, Challenges that Remain Click this link to join -

Stress and Resilience: How Our Bodies, Brains and Communities Respond to Crisis Click this link to join -

Behind the Scenes as Science News Covers the Pandemic Click this link to join -

Grappling with Climate Change Communication and Misinformation Click this link to join -

What Black Holes Reveal About the Universe Click this link to join -

Thank you!

Science News Now is part of our Centennial Celebration, which has been made possible with generous donations from the following sponsors: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation * Broadcom Foundation * F. Thomas Leighton Fund, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation * Heising-Simons Foundation,The Kavli Foundation * The Lemelson Foundation * Manifold Fund * Regeneron

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